Archive for August, 2007

Who? US? Oh, I know him, he is a nice guy!

August 18, 2007

They say that the countries of this world are its citizens. If so, then US of A is definitely a celebrity citizen. Its the kind of celebrity that you love or love to hate, but can’t ignore. The problem is that when it comes to celebrities, people form opinions. And we all know that opinions are dangerous when formed through wrong means. We all know how sometimes a star is mis-quoted, or his quote is taken out of context. Other times, we hear of a star ill treating a journalist, but we don’t hear what the journalist did before that. And sometimes, stars don’t get along (as if its acceptable for normal folks to not get along but not for celebrities?!) And finally, stars have proxies who speak for them and sometimes they screw up things.

The point is, US is no different when it comes to these problems. But I can say that I know US. See, you should value the opinion of someone who has stayed in the same neighborhood as the star, interacted with him day-to-day, rather than during some fancy press meets. Thats how you will get to know the star’s true nature and true personality.

I lived in the US for 11 years. Its a great country. The people are nice. They welcome and embrace immigrants. They know that they are all immigrants. The country has its share of problems, but hey, who is perfect!? The country truly values its ideals on which its built – freedom, equality of all, and the right to pursue happiness.

So here in this part of the world (the non-US part), when I hear opinions from people who haven’t really seen the star or interacted with him, I sometimes tell them “Who? US? Oh, I know him, he is a nice guy!”