My journey to ISB

I was convinced about doing an MBA back in 2005. My journey to an MBA (@ ISB!) took me more than 3 years! A lot of life happened during that time – I got married, we moved countries (US to Singapore), I lost my mother (to Breast Cancer) and I became a father (in that order)! So more than to hardwork, I attribute my ISB admission to my patience, focus and determination. Normally my philosophy in life is to concentrate on my actions or efforts without attaching too much importance to the results (ok, it isn’t an original philosophy for those of you who didn’t make a connection to the Bhagawat Geeta, but I digress). But when the actions yield the desired results, I am not going to shy away from basking in pride for some time. It’s a great feeling when you achieve what you’ve set out to achieve! 🙂

My getting into ISB can be explained in one simple word – destiny. Destiny to me is nothing but the result of your actions (and actions are the result of your thoughts). You can’t always control the results and thus you can’t always control your destiny. Even if I had not gotten into ISB, I would have reasoned that outcome similarly.

Ok, so what does making it to ISB do to me?! For starters, it permanently erases this nagging (may be too strong a word) feeling I’ve had that I never attended a branded/premier educational institution. ISB makes the cut for me! 🙂 It is also an event that I know will change the course of my life (our life, I should say, to include my wife and my 3-month old son who probably doesn’t realize what’s happening!) I am steering our lives in a different direction (the right direction!). Finally, I feel that ISB is not going to change my personality as much as it’s going to just strengthen it – I’ll continue to believe in myself, I’ll continue to aim high and I’ll continue to have fun all along the way!!


4 Responses to “My journey to ISB”

  1. vivek jhunjhunwala Says:

    Dost.. Short but nice.
    The nagging feeling ut alk about – I have had it too. I have taken the CAT 4 times – and it frustrated me every friggin time. Then I came across ISB – and the GMAT – and it felt like “Dude, This was created for you”.

  2. Sankar Says:

    Thanks for the comment, Vivek. I never took CAT and took the IIT without any serious prep, so I (fortunately) never experienced major disappointments before ISB happened!

  3. rupa Says:


    Cool to know that you have a blog….Bambu mentioned it 🙂
    Congratulations on achieving what you aspired for…..
    Been through it and Its a wonderful high……


  4. rupa Says:

    And If I can say so, you should blog more 🙂

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