The beginning of the end is here – Term 5!

I don’t know about you, but this is how my mind works – say I board the A.P.Express going from Hyderabad to Delhi. Until about the half-way point, I am thinking about Hyderabad (the place I left) while I make myself comfortable in the train compartment. But once the train crosses the mid-way point, my mind automatically switches to Delhi! I no longer think of Hyderabad and start thinking about Delhi and about what I’d be doing once I get there. The half-way point in a journey is when the mind automatically switches from thinking about the past to thinking about the future! Well, that’s what’s happening to me in Term-5. And that’s why I called it the ‘beginning of the end’ Term!

Out of your comfort-zone: Term-5 is so very different from the core terms. It is very challenging in terms of orienting yourself to it. Different classmates, different timings and different study groups, it’s all very disconcerting! (The first 4 terms are standardized and starting Term-5, you choose your classes/electives). It took me a few days just to figure out which class has what deliverables and what study group am I in! And ‘a few days’ in ISB is 1/3rd of the term, so imagine the pace! (How come we were not adequately warned about this term!?) The classes are great though. And since you choose your classes, you’ll mostly enjoy them (at least I do!).

Placements fever: Alums have always been telling us that the most stressful part of ISB will be the placement season, and I can begin to sense it. The placements season is starting off, with international companies posting jobs, students getting into placement preparation mode. The pre-placement talks (PPTs) are beginning to happen, where in companies come to talk about themselves and their job openings. So, while you are taking your specialized courses and orienting yourself, you simultaneously start preparing for placements (which is a whole different ball game!).

And more: There are several other important ISB events that are happening this season. Recently, we had a Business Technology Conclave and next week we have Ikshaa, which is the Marketing Club’s flagship event. So, we have all these important industry events going on, new classes where we continue to learn new things and new classmates/study groups we adjust to, placement preparation, and of course, socializing (or networking, if you prefer)!

Wow! And how do we manage all this?! I don’t know, we somehow do!

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